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Pads femrash Femërore 18 lloje të aminoacideve që ushqejnë sipërfaqen e pecetave higjienike

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Q1: A ofroni mostra falas? A1: Normalisht, ne mund t'ju ofrojmë mostra falas, por ngarkesa duhet të paguhet nga ana juaj. Q2: A pranoni etiketën private në produkt? A2: Ne jo vetëm që mund të prodhonim markën dhe dizajnin e vet, por gjithashtu të pranonim shërbimin OEM dhe ODM, Ne kemi stilistë profesionistë të produkteve dhe 3 stilistë paketimi që do të thotë se dizajni dhe specifikimet e produkteve mund të personalizohen për të përmbushur kërkesat e klientëve. Q3: A është LVLAI një prodhues apo një kompani tregtare? Dhe ku është zyra qendrore. A3: Lvlai është një degë në pronësi të plotë të Luye Group; Objekti ynë kryesor i prodhimit ndodhet në qytetin Suzhou të provincës Jiangsu, përbëhet nga mbi 60,000㎡ Mirë se vini ngrohtësisht të na vizitoni. Ju mund të na informoni paraprakisht dhe ne mund të organizojmë gjithçka për ju Q4: Po për kohën e dorëzimit? A4: 15 ditë pune normalisht, data e detajuar e dorëzimit duhet të vendoset sipas sezonit të prodhimit dhe sasisë së porosisë

Greenleaf Sci. and Tech.Group

Introduced an industry item new the Women Pads Feminine 18 Kinds Of Amino Acids Nourish Surface Sanitary Napkin Pad, designed to cater to the fundamental needs of each and every woman.

The Women Pads Feminine 18 Kinds Of Amino Acids Nourish Surface Sanitary Napkin Pad is an ultra-thin napkin is sanitary with 18 kinds of amino acids that help nourish the surface associated with the skin, rendering it convenient to wear. It is an excellent product ladies who have sensitive and painful epidermis the proteins help in reducing irritation and itchiness.

The Women Pads Feminine 18 Kinds Of Amino Acids Nourish Surface Sanitary Napkin Pad is constructed from high-quality materials offering exceptional absorbency, making it perfect for ladies who have hefty menstrual flows. Alongside, its leak-free design is now able to have an appropriate and worry-free time also regarding the duration.

The Women Pads Feminine 18 Kinds Of Amino Acids Nourish Surface Sanitary Napkin Pad will be a rendering package eco-friendly effortless to tote around. It is also easy to get rid of, which makes it green. The pad is separately wrapped, ensuring that it remains prepared and hygienic to utilize.

One major advantage of the Women Pads Feminine 18 Kinds Of Amino Acids Nourish Surface Sanitary Napkin Pad is it available to every girl so it is affordable, making. The slim and trendy design of pad helps to make certain that ladies can use it discreetly and confidently.

The Women Pads Feminine 18 Kinds Of Amino Acids Nourish Surface Sanitary Napkin Pad is perfect for females of all the ages and sizes. It is a great product ladies who lead a dynamic life style, it easy to move as it provides support and comfort, making. It is additionally perfect for ladies who sit for long periods because it helps prevents back pains whenever seated on chairs for long hours.

The Women Pads Feminine 18 Kinds Of Amino Acids Nourish Surface Sanitary Napkin Pad has encountered rigorous tests included in the Greenleaf Sci. and Tech.Group's quality control system to make sure security quality. This product was certified as secure and efficient, offering customers a feeling of confidence when working with it.


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