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Pambuku Bacteriostasis me etiketë private Pambuku për peceta higjienike të disponueshme për shëndetin menstrual

  • Me shume


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Me shume
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Ofrohet Lirisht

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 Zhdoganimi/konsolidimi nga palët e treta, dërgesa e shpejtë

Ju lutemi na kontaktoni, ne do t'ju japim një plan produkti.

Q1: A ofroni mostra falas? A1: Normalisht, ne mund t'ju ofrojmë mostra falas, por ngarkesa duhet të paguhet nga ana juaj. Q2: A pranoni etiketën private në produkt? A2: Ne jo vetëm që mund të prodhonim markën dhe dizajnin e vet, por gjithashtu të pranonim shërbimin OEM dhe ODM, Ne kemi stilistë profesionistë të produkteve dhe 3 stilistë paketimi që do të thotë se dizajni dhe specifikimet e produkteve mund të personalizohen për të përmbushur kërkesat e klientëve. Q3: A është LVLAI një prodhues apo një kompani tregtare? Dhe ku është zyra qendrore. A3: Lvlai është një degë në pronësi të plotë të Luye Group; Objekti ynë kryesor i prodhimit ndodhet në qytetin Suzhou të provincës Jiangsu, përbëhet nga mbi 60,000㎡ Mirë se vini ngrohtësisht të na vizitoni. Ju mund të na informoni paraprakisht dhe ne mund të organizojmë gjithçka për ju Q4: Po për kohën e dorëzimit? A4: 15 ditë pune normalisht, data e detajuar e dorëzimit duhet të vendoset sipas sezonit të prodhimit dhe sasisë së porosisë

Greenleaf Sci. dhe Tech.Group

Presenting the Private Label Cotton Bacteriostasis Menstrual Health Disposable Sanitary Napkins Pad. These pads are available to help women keep their menstrual hygiene with and comfort.

The Private Label Cotton Bacteriostasis Menstrual Health Disposable Sanitary Napkins Pad is made of top-quality soft cotton is mild to your skin, and its texture offers an excellent absorbent function efficiently stops leakage and assists to keep carefully the epidermis dry.

Thanks to the bacteriostasis technology utilized in the manufacturing procedure, these Private provide Label Cotton Bacteriostasis Menstrual Health Disposable Sanitary Napkins Pad sureity against bacteria along with other harmful organisms. What this means are you are able to count you healthier and fresh even during the many phases that are delicate with menstrual period on them to keep.

The style is ultra-thin, and it is suitable for usage during both and day night. There is no need to bother about disquiet or discomfort, thanks to the soft and delicate product with its manufacturing. The Private Label Cotton Bacteriostasis Menstrual Health Disposable Sanitary Napkins Pad is also quite versatile and will go because of the real body, providing greater safety and self-confidence.

Greenleaf Sci. and Tech.Group's Private Label Cotton Bacteriostasis Menstrual Health Disposable Sanitary Napkins Pad are perfect for usage by women of most several years, including people that have delicate epidermis. They are easy to utilize, dump, and affordable, making them an exemplary selection both personal usage in commercial settings.

The Private Label Cotton Bacteriostasis Menstrual Health Disposable Sanitary Napkins Pad will be various sizes to cater to various needs and the packaging is discreet, allowing for simple storage and traveling. It is possible to depend on the product to help keep you feeling comfortable and confident throughout the day while supplying maximum protection bacteria along with other harmful organisms.

The bottom line is, Greenleaf Sci. and Tech.Group's Private Label Cotton Bacteriostasis Menstrual Health Disposable Sanitary Napkins Pad is the ultimate solution women’s menstrual hygiene requirements. It is a high-quality product delivers excellent outcomes, having a focus on security and comfort. Today Order yours and go through the distinction.


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