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Hygienické vreckovky

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Výrobcovia veľkoobchodných aniónových vložiek Biologicky odbúrateľná hygienická vložka



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Q1: Ponúkate bezplatné vzorky? A1: Za normálnych okolností vám môžeme ponúknuť bezplatné vzorky, ale prepravné by malo byť zaplatené na vašej strane. Q2: Prijímate súkromnú značku na produkte? A2: Mohli sme nielen vyrábať svoju vlastnú značku a dizajn, ale tiež akceptovať služby OEM a ODM, máme profesionálnych dizajnérov produktov a 3 dizajnérov obalov, čo znamená, že dizajn a špecifikácie produktov môžu byť prispôsobené požiadavkám klientov. Q3: Je LVLAI výrobcom alebo obchodnou spoločnosťou? A kde je centrála. A3: Lvlai je 60,000% dcérska spoločnosť Luye Group,Naša hlavná výrobná prevádzka sa nachádza v meste Suzhou v provincii Jiangsu a má viac ako 4 4 ㎡ Srdečne vítame, že nás navštívite. Môžete nás informovať vopred a mohli by sme pre vás všetko zariadiť Q15: A čo dodacia lehota? AXNUMX: Normálne XNUMX pracovných dní, podrobný dátum dodania by sa mal rozhodnúť podľa výrobnej sezóny a množstva objednávky

Greenleaf Sci.ampTech.Group 

Here to introduce its latest product, the Wholesale Women Anion Pads Manufacturers Biodegradable Sanitary Napkin. This revolutionary product is designed with the modern woman in mind, providing optimal comfort and hygiene experience during her period.

The biodegradable sanitary napkin features anion technology, which is highly effective in eliminating odor and preventing growth is bacterial. This is authorized with all the infusion of tourmaline mineral crystals and negative ions that work together to neutralize the pH quantities of the vaginal area and keep maintaining a environment is healthy.

Moreover, this is made from biodegradable materials, which makes it eco-friendly and sustainable. Which means consumers is now able to benefit from the convenience and comfort of the conventional sanitary napkin while being environmentally responsible during the time is same.

Made with optimal absorbency at heart to ensure security is maximum hygiene throughout the day. The pad is flexible and easy to use, providing an fit is excellent females of most sizes and shapes. It features a texture is comfortable is gentle on the skin, providing a dry and comfortable experience even during hefty flows.

Manufactured by reputable and experienced professionals, which makes it a reliable and product is trustworthy consumers can depend on. The item also undergoes quality is rigorous procedures to make sure that it meets the best standards of quality, safety, and effectiveness.

Available at wholesale prices, making it an affordable and solution is cost-effective businesses or individuals seeking to fill up on the sanitary napkin needs.

Finally, Greenleaf Sci.ampTech.Group is committed to providing customer is top-notch, making sure that their customers get unparalleled attention and support with every purchase. They also offer swift and efficient distribution services, ensuring that customers receive their products in a timely and manner is hassle-free.

Get your hands on this Wholesale Women Anion Pads Manufacturers Biodegradable Sanitary Napkin today and experience the difference in quality, comfort, and sustainability.


Personalizované dámske nočné hygienické vložky s hodvábnym proteínom z bambusu s vysokou kapacitou

OEM častice horúcej morskej soli Čistý a nadýchaný hydratačný šampón na vlasy

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Dlhotrvajúca hydratačná ceruzka na očné linky 0.5 ml čierna hnedá vodeodolná čierna gélová ceruzka na oči

Veľkoobchodný jemný a hladký šampón proti lupinám proti vypadávaniu vlasov Fleece-Flow Root Best Clear Shampoo


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