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OEM dámske jednorazové hygienické vložky zo 100 % organickej bavlny Comfort



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Q1: Ponúkate bezplatné vzorky? A1: Za normálnych okolností vám môžeme ponúknuť bezplatné vzorky, ale prepravné by malo byť zaplatené na vašej strane. Q2: Prijímate súkromnú značku na produkte? A2: Mohli sme nielen vyrábať svoju vlastnú značku a dizajn, ale tiež akceptovať služby OEM a ODM, máme profesionálnych dizajnérov produktov a 3 dizajnérov obalov, čo znamená, že dizajn a špecifikácie produktov môžu byť prispôsobené požiadavkám klientov. Q3: Je LVLAI výrobcom alebo obchodnou spoločnosťou? A kde je centrála. A3: Lvlai je 60,000% dcérska spoločnosť Luye Group,Naša hlavná výrobná prevádzka sa nachádza v meste Suzhou v provincii Jiangsu a má viac ako 4 4 ㎡ Srdečne vítame, že nás navštívite. Môžete nás informovať vopred a mohli by sme pre vás všetko zariadiť Q15: A čo dodacia lehota? AXNUMX: Normálne XNUMX pracovných dní, podrobný dátum dodania by sa mal rozhodnúť podľa výrobnej sezóny a množstva objednávky

Greenleaf Sci. a Tech.Group 

Presents the way perfect in stay and comfortable during durations with all the current OEM Women 100% Organic Cotton Comfort Disposable Sanitary Napkin Pads. Designed for women whom value their health and so the environment, these menstrual pads are constructed of pure natural cotton is organic free from harsh chemical compounds, dyes, and synthetic materials.

Each pad has a premium-quality, thin and flexible layer that contours to your body's normal shape, providing a comfortable and secure fit. The 100% natural cotton top layer feels soft and gentle up against the epidermis, preventing epidermis irritation and rashes. These sanitary napkins might be trusted to offer lasting dryness and security also during heavy menstrual flows with all the super-absorbent and leak-proof technology.

The OEM Women 100% Organic Cotton Comfort Disposable Sanitary Napkin Pads are eco-friendly, biodegradable, and compostable – making them a perfect option ladies who value their carbon footprint. These pads are designed to digest entirely within 6 months of disposal, decreasing the harmful waste the environmental surroundings. The individual wrapping of pad permits you to discreetly carry them, anywhere you go.

These OEM come Women 100% Organic Cotton Comfort Disposable Sanitary Napkin Pads a pack of numerous sizes – regular, large, overnight and match different flow amounts and requirements for this users. The pads are simple to make use of, unwrap them from simply their packaging and stick them into the underwear. You can use them through the and evening with complete confidence you comfortable and dry that they'll keep day.

The OEM Women 100% Organic Cotton Comfort Disposable Sanitary Napkin Pads are really a breakthrough in individual hygiene products. They are typically manufactured utilizing the highest requirements, using state-of technology-the-art and dermatologist-tested to make certain that they're gentle and safe in the skin. These pads are affordable, convenient, in addition to an exemplary choice ladies who want to continue to be healthy, comfortable, and eco-conscious.


Personalizované dámske nočné hygienické vložky s hodvábnym proteínom z bambusu s vysokou kapacitou

OEM častice horúcej morskej soli Čistý a nadýchaný hydratačný šampón na vlasy

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Dlhotrvajúca hydratačná ceruzka na očné linky 0.5 ml čierna hnedá vodeodolná čierna gélová ceruzka na oči

Veľkoobchodný jemný a hladký šampón proti lupinám proti vypadávaniu vlasov Fleece-Flow Root Best Clear Shampoo


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