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Q1: Ponúkate bezplatné vzorky? A1: Normálne vám môžeme ponúknuť bezplatné vzorky, ale náklad by mal byť zaplatený na vašej strane.
Q2: Prijímate súkromnú značku na produkte? A2: Mohli sme nielen vyrábať svoju vlastnú značku a dizajn, ale tiež akceptovať služby OEM a ODM, máme profesionálnych dizajnérov produktov a 3 dizajnérov obalov, čo znamená, že dizajn a špecifikácie produktov môžu byť prispôsobené požiadavkám klientov.
Q3: Je LVLAI výrobcom alebo obchodnou spoločnosťou? A kde je centrála. A3: Lvlai je 60,000% dcérska spoločnosť Luye Group Naše hlavné výrobné zariadenie sa nachádza v meste Suzhou v provincii Jiangsu a má viac ako XNUMX XNUMX ㎡ Srdečne vítame, že nás navštívite. Môžete nás vopred informovať a všetko za vás vybavíme
Q4: A čo dodacia lehota? A4: Normálne 15 pracovných dní, podrobný dátum dodania by sa mal rozhodnúť podľa výrobnej sezóny a množstva objednávky
Greenleaf Sci.ampTech.Group
Presents their newly imported Importing Quality Cotton Organic Heavy Flow Sanitary Pads Sanitary Napkin, the clear perfect answer your requirements menstrual. These sanitary napkins are made to offer you maximum convenience and protection through your heaviest flow.
Created using 100% natural cotton, these Importing Quality Cotton Organic Heavy Flow Sanitary Pads Sanitary Napkin Greenleaf Sci.ampTech.Group are mild all on your own skin and free from harmful chemical substances, giving you a safer and healthier alternative to old-fashioned pads. These are typically super absorbent, additionally the long size wings ensure which they stay in spot, preventing any leakages or accidents.
These Importing Quality Cotton Organic Heavy Flow Sanitary Pads Sanitary Napkin are eco-friendly, being that they are biodegradjustable nor add to the total already amount increasing of in landfills. It is possible to dump them knowing that you are making a good effect the surroundings environmental.
The packaging of this Importing Quality Cotton Organic Heavy Flow Sanitary Pads Sanitary Napkin is unique, having a discreet design that enables you to carry these with simplicity. They've been compact and easy to store in your purse or case, making them perfect for on-the-go usage.
With Greenleaf Sci. and Tech.Group’s Importing Quality Cotton Organic Heavy Flow Sanitary Pads Sanitary Napkin, it is possible to bid adieu to the inconvenience and disquiet of old-fashioned pads. They are soft, comfortable, and offer you with superior security throughout your durations.
These Importing Quality Cotton Organic Heavy Flow Sanitary Pads Sanitary Napkin are perfect for all of your needs whether you’re working, exercising, or simply relaxing in your home. They may be suitable for those with delicate skin, as the natural cotton is non-irritating and gentle.
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