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Hot Organic Period Pads Dámske hygienické vložky s aniónovým čipom



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Q1: Ponúkate bezplatné vzorky?

A1: Normálne vám môžeme ponúknuť bezplatné vzorky, ale náklad by mal byť zaplatený na vašej strane.

Q2: Prijímate súkromnú značku na produkte?

A2: Mohli sme nielen vyrábať svoju vlastnú značku a dizajn, ale tiež akceptovať služby OEM a ODM, máme profesionálnych dizajnérov produktov a 3 dizajnérov obalov, čo znamená, že dizajn a špecifikácie produktov môžu byť prispôsobené požiadavkám klientov.

Q3: Is LVLAI a manufacturer or a trading company? And where is the head office.

A3: Lvlai is a wholly owned subsidiary of Luye Group Our main production facility at is located in Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province, comprises of over 60,000㎡ Warmly welcome to visit us. You can inform us in advance and we could arrange everything for you

Q4: A čo dodacia lehota?

A4: Normálne 15 pracovných dní, podrobný dátum dodania by sa mal rozhodnúť podľa výrobnej sezóny a množstva objednávky

Greenleaf Sci. and Tech. Group 

Presenting Hot Organic Period Pads Feminine Comfort Anion Chip Sanitary Napkins, a revolutionary gentle product on your skin and eco-friendly. Made with the highest quality organic materials, these pads offer superior comfort and protection during those tough days.

One of the standout features of these pads is the anion chip technology. This Greenleaf Sci.ampTech.Group brand means pads are embedded with negative ion technology which neutralizes odor and stops germs growth. Say goodbye to the unpleasant smells discomfort which come along with your period.

The Hot Organic Period Pads Feminine Comfort Anion Chip Sanitary Napkins are available in different sizes, making it easy to find the fit is ideal your needs. With leak security and comfort whether you want a regular or a heavy flow pad, these napkins will offer you. The soft and materials breathable gentle on your skin and will not cause any irritation or discomfort.

The natural materials to create these pads are not great for your quality of life but for the environment. The pads are biodegradable, making them an alternative is eco-friendly old-fashioned sanitary napkins. With the Greenleaf Sci. and Tech. Group Organic Period Pads, you can protect both your system and our planet.

The packaging among these pads can be impressive. Each Hot Organic Period Pads Feminine Comfort Anion Chip Sanitary Napkins comes individually wrapped, rendering it easy to store and carry them around discreetly. The packaging can be durable and thick, ensuring that the pads remain clean and hygienic until use.


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