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Vlastné logo Organické superabsorpčné bambusové hygienické vložky pre ženy, menštruačné



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Q1: Ponúkate bezplatné vzorky? A1: Za normálnych okolností vám môžeme ponúknuť bezplatné vzorky, ale prepravné by malo byť zaplatené na vašej strane. Q2: Prijímate súkromnú značku na produkte? A2: Mohli sme nielen vyrábať svoju vlastnú značku a dizajn, ale tiež akceptovať služby OEM a ODM, máme profesionálnych dizajnérov produktov a 3 dizajnérov obalov, čo znamená, že dizajn a špecifikácie produktov môžu byť prispôsobené požiadavkám klientov. Q3: Je LVLAI výrobcom alebo obchodnou spoločnosťou? A kde je centrála. A3: Lvlai je 60,000% dcérska spoločnosť Luye Group,Naša hlavná výrobná prevádzka sa nachádza v meste Suzhou v provincii Jiangsu a má viac ako 4 4 ㎡ Srdečne vítame, že nás navštívite. Môžete nás informovať vopred a mohli by sme pre vás všetko zariadiť Q15: A čo dodacia lehota? AXNUMX: Normálne XNUMX pracovných dní, podrobný dátum dodania by sa mal rozhodnúť podľa výrobnej sezóny a množstva objednávky


Introducing the Custom Logo Organic Super Absorption Bamboo Sanitary Napkin Pads For Women Menstrual from Greenleaf Sci. and Tech.Group. These innovative pads are designed to offer top-notch security females throughout their menstrual cycle. Made out of the high highest quality natural bamboo, these pads are not only soft and comfortable, but additionally very absorbent to effortlessly help in keeping you dry and experiencing fresh the whole day.

We recognize that menstrual rounds may differ from person to person and that’s whyour Custom Logo Organic Super Absorption Bamboo Sanitary Napkin Pads For Women Menstrual are custom-made to work for you being particular. It is possible to request a custom logo or design to be printed regarding the pads, providing you with an unique and personalized experience you won’t find with other sanitary napkin brands.

Among the unique features of our Custom Logo Organic Super Absorption Bamboo Sanitary Napkin Pads For Women Menstrual is the effective use of natural bamboo material. Bamboo is understood for its eco-friendliness and it is anti-bacterial and properties that can easily be hypoallergenic. It includes superior convenience permits for maximum airflow that will help to reduce any odors and infections.

Our Custom come Logo Organic Super Absorption Bamboo Sanitary Napkin Pads For Women Menstrual in number of sizes to suit your requirements that are own. We have now have you covered whether you desire a slim or thicker pad. The pads have actually ultra-strong adhesive wings that have them securely put up, minimizing a chance of leakages and ensuring optimum protection.

Our Custom Logo Organic Super Absorption Bamboo Sanitary Napkin Pads For Women Menstrual may be effortless to also dump, and they're biodegradable and mild to environmental surroundings since they're produced from natural materials. It is possible to feel well realizing that while caring for yourself, you're also using care of earth.

We know that each woman’s menstrual cycle unique and therefore can frequently have unexpected twists and turns. Our Custom Logo Organic Super Absorption Bamboo Sanitary Napkin Pads For Women Menstrual were created to offer help and protection that allow you to to go regarding your day-to activities-day self-confidence and reassurance.

At Greenleaf Sci. and Tech.Group, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch and eco-friendly items. Our Custom Logo Organic Super Absorption Bamboo Sanitary Napkin Pads For Women Menstrual are not any exception. We’re excited to offer an unique and personalized experience is both comfortable and safe. Order your customized sanitary napkins and feel the distinction.


Personalizované dámske nočné hygienické vložky s hodvábnym proteínom z bambusu s vysokou kapacitou

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