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Greenleaf has unveiled its latest item for all women on the market - the Custom Ultra Thin Women Anion Menstrual Organic Cotton Sanitary Napkin Pads. These sanitary napkins are made to be ultra-thin that they feel soft and comfortable against the skin, while nevertheless supplying the ultimate protection so you require through your menstrual period.


Fashioned with organic cotton, these Custom Ultra Thin Women Anion Menstrual Organic Cotton Sanitary Napkin Pads have soft and believe is mild your skin, reducing the opportunity of irritation or vexation that may take place with a number of other pads that are traditional the market. Each pad is capable of keeping lots of dampness to avoid leakages, making these pads perfect for sleeping, exercising, or working through the day featuring its levels that are highly absorbent.


In fact, these Custom Ultra Thin Women Anion Menstrual Organic Cotton Sanitary Napkin Pads are far more than simply your typical menstrual pad. Featuring an innovative anion technology that can help to split up bacteria and eliminate odor, Greenleaf Custom Ultra Thin Women Anion Menstrual Organic Cotton Sanitary Napkin Pads are simply just unmatched in their ability to supply on a clean and period hygienic experience.


The anion technology works by releasing ions being negative the fresh air surrounding the pad, which in turn help neutralize any odors or bacteria that might be current. This technology not merely keeps you experiencing fresh and clean, but in addition helps lessen your threat of developing microbial infection to other issues that are period-related.


These Custom Ultra Thin Women Anion Menstrual Organic Cotton Sanitary Napkin Pads also come in different sizes, and so the perfect might be opted for by you size for the movement. They even include adhesive wings that keep the pad securely in place every day. These wings may be built to also minimize any disquiet or motion which will happen during activities.


Greenleaf Sci.ampTech.Group's Custom Ultra Thin Women Anion Menstrual Organic Cotton Sanitary Napkin Pads are not only the perfect solution for ladies who value convenience, but also for those who worry about the surroundings. These Custom Ultra Thin Women Anion Menstrual Organic Cotton Sanitary Napkin Pads are eco-friendly and biodegradable, ensuring you dump a pad you will be maybe not causing any problems for the normal world every time.


Off-the-shelf or customized
A variety of surface layers, chips can be selected
Q1: 無料サンプルはありますか? A1: 通常、無料サンプルを提供できますが、運賃はあなたの側で支払われる必要があります。 Q2: 製品のプライベートラベルを受け入れますか? A2: 独自のブランドとデザインを生産するだけでなく、OEM および ODM サービスも受け入れます。当社にはプロの製品デザイナーと 3 人のパッケージングデザイナーがいます。つまり、製品のデザインと仕様は、クライアントの要件を満たすようにカスタマイズできます。 Q3: LVLAIはメーカーですか、それとも商社ですか?そして本社はどこにありますか。 A3: Lvlai は Luye Group の完全子会社です。当社の主な生産施設は江蘇省蘇州市にあり、面積は 60,000 平方メートル以上です。ご訪問を心より歓迎いたします。事前にご連絡いただければ、すべて手配させていただきます。 Q4: 納期はどうですか? A4: 通常15営業日、詳細な納期は生産シーズンと注文量に応じて決定する必要があります。



OEM ホットシーソルト粒子クリーンでふわふわの保湿ヘアシャンプー


持続保湿 0.5 ミリリットルブラックブラウン防水ブラックリキッドジェルアイライナーペンシル

卸売ソフト & スムース シャンプー フケ防止脱毛防止フリース花根ベスト クリア シャンプー


